Monday, January 25, 2010

How to Think like Leonardo Da Vinci: Seven Steps to Genius Every Day by Michael J. Gelb

1. Curiosità: An insatiably curious approach to life and an unrelenting quest for continuous learning.
2. Dimostrazione: A commitment to test knowledge through experience, persistence, and a willingness to learn from mistakes.
3. Sensazione: The continual refinement of the senses, especially sight, as the means to enliven experience.
4. Sfumato (literally means, "going up in smoke"): A willingness to embrace ambiguity, paradox, and uncertainty.
5. Arte/Scienza: The development of the balance between science and art, logic and imagination. “Whole-brain” thinking.
6. Corporalitá: The cultivation of grace, ambidexterity, fitness, and poise (capitalizing on the mind-body connection).
7. Connessione: A recognition of and appreciation for the interconnectedness of all things and phenomena. Systems thinking.

It was Leonardo Da Vinci who said:

  • "The love of anything is the fruit of our knowledge of it, and grows as our knowledge deepens."
  • "Patience protects from insult as clothes protect from the cold."
  • "He who walks straight seldom falls."
  • "Ask advice of him who governs himself well."

Think out of the box. Look at an issue from different perspectives. Ask counsel and read a lot of books. Don't forget to throw in a lot of hard work, too. Take risks and ask for God's wisdom in dealing with a problem.

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